Why Choose us

Why Choose us

Soybean aphids are commonly known as oil worms and honey worms. Mainly concentrated in soybean growing point, parietal leaf and young leaf back, is not conducive to water absorption. It causes leaves to curl, plants to dwarf, and reduces yields. It can also spread viral diseases and lead to reduced production and quality. The insects start showing up in soybean fields in mid to late June and are particularly harmful during high temperatures and droughts. Soybean aphids have a strong reproductive capacity. One female can breed 50-60. Under the right conditions.

Prevention and treatment methods:

With chemical control, 40% dimethoate cream 800 times, 40% dimethoate cream 1000 times. 10% Deltamethrin EC 15-20 ml / 667 square meters, 50% piridacarb WP 10 g / 667 square meters, spray water 40-50 kg.

Why Choose us&Our advantage:

Our company was founded in 2015, we do not forget the original intention, over the years we have been developing their own new products, in order to more effectively help agriculture, reduce labor costs, improve labor efficiency, increase labor income.



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